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. 2007 Oct;13(5):339–343. doi: 10.1136/ip.2007.016683

Table 1 Characteristics of drowning victims aged 1–14 and drowning events by proportion and percentage in Xiamen, People's Republic of China, 2001–5.

Characteristic Cases (n = 67) (%)
 Male 52 (77.6)
 Female 15 (22.4)
Age (years)
 1–4 13 (19.4)
 5–9 27 (40.3)
 10–14 27 (40.3)
School level
 None 17 (25.4)
 Primary school 42 (62.7)
 Junior high school 8 (11.9)
 Urban 6 (9.0)
 Rural 61 (91.0)
Household income*
 <1000 26 (38.8)
 1000–2999 32 (47.8)
 ⩾3000 9 (13.4)
Month of drowning
 December to February 6 (9.0)
 March to May 11 (16.4)
 June to August 38 (56.7)
 September to November 12 (17.9)
Type of day
 Weekday 19 (28.4)
 Weekend 13 (19.4)
 Holiday 6 (9.0)
 Summer break 29 (43.3)
Time of day
 0:00–12:59 22 (32.8)
 13:00–17:59 42 (62.7)
 18:00–18:59 1 (1.5)
 19:00–23:59 2 (3.0)
 Pond 20 (29.9)
 Ditch 14 (20.9)
 Construction site 8 (11.9)
 Well 8 (11.9)
 River 7 (10.4)
 Reservoir 6 (9.0)
 Home 2 (3.0)
 Lake 1 (1.5)
 Other 1 (1.5)
Swimming ability†
 None 41 (75.9)
 Some 13 (24.1)
 Proficient 0 (0.0)
Adult supervision
 Parent 2 (3.0)
 Adult 6 (9.0)
 None 59 (88.1)

*Household income measured in yuan/month; †excludes children aged 1–4 years.