Figure 1.
Alternatively spliced isoforms of CRF 1. The CRF1 gene consists of 14 exons, which undergo alternative splicing, generating at least eight isoforms, seven of which are found in human skin (Pisarchik and Slominski, [2001]; Slominski et al., [2006a]). CRF1 splicing variants differ in the number of coding exons (filled squares). Excluded exons are shown as a line and exons with frame shift as white squares. ECD: extracellular substrate binding domain, EL: extracellular loops, CL: and three cyptoplasmatic loops. Signal peptide is marked by an asterisk. The constructs used in the present work also contain either V5, green fluorescent (EGFP) or red fluorescent (dsRED) proteins fused with C-terminus of each isoform.