Figure 1.
Identification of Gadd45a by a retroviral cDNA library screen for factors that induce Rag1 transcription in AMuLV-transformed B cells. (a) Flow cytometry of GFP expression in AMuLVtransformed Rag1-GFP B cells in normal culture conditions (filled histogram) or treated for 24 h with 5 μM STI-571 (solid line). Vertical axis (‘% of max’) indicates a scale of relative cell numbers with the median value set as 100%. (b) Flow cytometry of GFP expression in cells left uninfected (Uninf) or infected with retrovirus expressing Gadd45a (GADD45a), labeled with anti-Thy-1.1 (retroviral marker) and gated for infected Thy-1.1+ cells (solid line) or uninfected Thy-1.1− cells (filled histogram). Numbers above bracketed lines indicate percent GFP+ cells in the infected population (top number) and uninfected population (bottom number in parenthesis). (c) Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of Rag1 and Rag2 transcripts in sorted cells infected with empty vector retrovirus or retrovirus expressing GADD45a. Values are normalized to Hprt1 transcript abundance and are presented relative to expression in cells transduced with empty vector, set as 1. All data are representative of at least three independent experiments.