FIG. 5.
Rarefaction analyses of VfRep types. (A) Individual-based rarefaction analysis of VfRep PCR patterns of V. fischeri isolates (23, 150, and 150, respectively) from a single light-organ lobe of three different adult specimens of E. scolopes: MB13B (open circles), KB1A (closed circles), and MB12A (open squares), respectively. In each case, richness had saturated after the sampling of 16 isolates. (B) Sample-based rarefaction (open shapes) and richness estimate (closed shapes) analyses of major VfRep types of each of the two squid populations sampled: 10 Maunalua Bay squids (squares) and 5 Kaneohe Bay squids (circles). The software program EstimateS v8.0 was applied in all of the analyses (8) with the analytic Coleman method for determining individual-based rarefaction (9) and the Mao Tau heuristic and MMRuns Mean methods (25) for sample-based rarefaction determination and richness estimation.