Estimated maximum likelihood phylogeny for the core gene alignment. Bootstrap scores of >70% are shown next to well-supported nodes, and the phylogeny is midpoint rooted. Sequence names are given in the Los Alamos HCV Database format, as follows: subtype/country code/strain name/accession number. Where available, information is given in parentheses about the country of origin of emigrants from Southeast Asia to other countries. Gray bars indicate major subtypes of HCV genotype 6. Phylogeny branches and sequence names are colored according to the country of origin of the sampled individual. Country codes and colors for Asian strains are as follows: CN, China (red); VN, Vietnam (dark blue); HK, Hong Kong (red); TH, Thailand (green); IN, India (light blue); MM, Myanmar (gray); ID, Indonesia (brown); KH, Cambodia (orange); LA, Laos (magenta). Strains sampled outside of Asia are colored black (CA, Canada; FR, France; US, United States).