FIG. 1.
Undetectable Mat1 and Cdk7 in terminally differentiated white adipocytes in vivo. (A) Micrographs from a single frozen section containing WAT and skeletal muscle from the neck of an adult mouse stained with hematoxylin and with Mat1, PPARγ, and DAPI; micrographs were made using confocal microscopy. Dashed lines indicate areas shown in detail in panel B. (B) To demonstrate the lack of specific nuclear Mat1 staining in WAT, higher magnifications of overlaid double stainings with indicated antibodies are shown, where the presence of Mat1 is visualized as pink and yellow (overlaid) color in muscle nuclei. (C) Western blotting of various fat depots (neck, intraperitoneal [i.p.], and subcutaneous [subc.]) showing adipocyte-specific downregulation of Mat1 and Cdk7. PPARγ is shown to identify fat tissue and TAF10 is shown for a nuclear loading control.