Figure 5.
Flag-TIF1β expression partially rescues MEST repression. (A) Western blot analysis of f.TIF1β expression was performed on TIF1βHP1box/−/rTA-f.TIF1β cells treated for the indicated times with Dox by using an anti-FLAG antibody. Total TIF1β expression was also assessed with an anti-TIF1β antibody. Protein loading was controlled with an anti-actin antibody. (B) ChIP using an anti-FLAG antibody was performed on TIF1βHP1box/−/rTA-f.TIF1β cells in absence or presence of Dox. (C) MEST expression was assessed by qRT-PCR in TIF1βHP1box/−/rTA-f.TIF1β cells treated or not with Dox and in TIF1β+/− cells. MEST expression was normalized with HPRT. (D) ChIP with antibodies of the specified histone modifications were performed on TIF1βHP1box/−/rTA-f.TIF1β cells in presence or absence of Dox. (E) DNA methylation was assessed by bisulfite sequencing in TIF1βHP1box/−/rTA-f.TIF1β after ChIP with an anti-FLAG mAb. The open lozenges represent the analysis of the ChIP genomic DNA and the open squares the input. *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.005.