Figure 1.
Agarose gels showing pfmdr1 86, pfcrt 76, pfdhfr 59 and pfdhps 540 PCR-RFLP products of control and field-collected samples of P. falciparum. pfmdr1: 2-N86; 3-Y86; 4-N/Y86; 5-3D7 (N86); 6-Dd2 (Y86). pfcrt: 2-k76; 3-T76; 4-K/T76; 5-K1 (K76); 6-3D7 (T76). pfdhfr: 2-C59; 3-R59; 4-R/C59; 5-N3 (C59); 6-T9/94 (R59). pfdhps: 2-E540; 3-K540; 4-K/E540; 5-HB3 (E540); 6-K1 (K540). In all gels lanes 1 and 7 shows the molecular weight marker.