Figure 3.
Phylogeny of the eRF1/Dom34p family. The tree shown was derived by Bayesian inference based on 178 universally aligned positions of eRF1 and Dom34p amino acid sequences from the M and C domains. The analysis was terminated after 5 million generations, at which point the SDSF was 0.0205 and 500,000 generations were discarded as burn-in. Branch lengths are drawn to scale as indicated by the scale bar at lower left. Branch support values from this analysis are indicated in black, with BIPP in square brackets and MLBP without brackets. Only MLBP values greater than 50% and BIPP values great than 0.65 are displayed. Branch thickness is drawn proportional to BIPP values from separate phylogenetic analyses of full length a/eRF1 (349 positions, blue branches) and a/eDom34p (292 positions, purple branches) as indicated by the key to the right of the figure. Numbers in blue and purple italics correspond to MLBP support from the separate a/eRF1 and a/eDom34p phylogenetic analyses respectively. The tree topologies generated from these separate analyses are shown in additional files 3 and 4. Archaeal and eukaryotic taxon names are preceded by major group designations as follows: ME: metazoa; EX: excavata; FU: fungi; AM: amoebozoa; AV: alveolates; PL: archaeplastida ("plants"); NA: Nanoarchaea; EU: euryarchaeota; CR: crenarchaeaota. Names are followed by NCBI GI numbers.