(A) Near infrared Yb3+ VSB
spectrum, excited at 965 nm, of bR containing two Yb3+
atoms per bR in the 1100–1300 cm−1 VSB shift region
(Top: 250 mW, 2000 scans) and the Fourier transform Raman
spectrum of the same bR sample excited at 1064 nm (Middle:
280 mW, 2000 scans); 1064 nm excitation results in the observation of
essentially only the Raman contributions of the retinal chromophore.
Subtracting the retinal Raman contributions (middle spectrum) from the
top spectrum results in a difference spectrum (Bottom)
revealing VSB bands previously hidden by the Raman contributions.
(B) VSB spectrum of the same bR sample excited at 945 nm
(Upper: 450 mW, 2000 scans). At this wavelength of
excitation, the retinal Raman contributions are not present in the
1400–2000 cm−1 VSB shift spectral region. The Fourier
transformed Raman spectrum of the same bR sample is shown for
comparison (Lower: excitation 1064 nm, 280 mW, 2000