Figure 4. dachs is required for non-autonomous influences of Tkv on cell proliferation.
A–D Show wing imaginal discs containing Gal4:PR-expressing clones, marked by expression of GFP (green), grown for 15 hours on media containing RU486 and then labeled and stained for BrdU (red), or phospho-Mad (magenta). For ease of comparison, the locations of selected clones are outlined by dashes. Because the nuclei are not all in the same focal plane, we combined staining in different focal planes by maximum projection through confocal sections. A) AyGal4:PR UAS-1tkvQ253D UAS-GFP. BrdU labeling is elevated around the clone. B) AyGal4:PR UAS-GFP. BrdU labeling is normal C) dachsGC13; AyGal4:PR UAS-TkvQ253D UAS-GFP. BrdU labeling is autonomously elevated within a lateral clone (asterisk), but no non-autonomous elevation of labeling is observed. D) dachsGC13; AyGal4:PR UAS-TkvQ253D UAS-GFP, p-MAD staining is elevated in TKVQ-D-expressing clones. E–F Show discs with uniform TkvQ253D expression, induced by actin-Gal4:PR. E) In wild type this represses BrdU labeling in medial cells (asterisk)(Rogulja and Irvine, 2005), but F) in fat no medial repression occurs. G) dachs mutant wing imaginal discs containing tub-Gal4/Gal80ts clones expressing TkvQ253D, stained for expression of Diap1 (red). Diap1 expression is not affected by the clones. H) Close-up of a clone shown in G.