Figure 6. Uniform Fj and Ds expression inhibits BrdU incorporation & wing growth.
Panels A–F show discs grown for the indicated number of hours on media containing RU486 and then labeled and stained for BrdU (red). A) UAS-ds UAS-fj actin>Gal4:PR UAS-GFP. B) UAS-ds actin>Gal4:PR UAS-GFP. C) UAS-fj actin>Gal4:PR UAS-GFP. D–F) UAS-ds UAS-fj actin>Gal4:PR UAS-GFP. G–J show adult wings, all at the same magnification, from animals with a tub-Gal4 transgene and G) No UAS transgene H) UAS-ds, I) UAS-fj, J) UAS-ds UAS-fj. K) Histogram of the average areas of ten female wings of the genotypes in G–J, normalized to the average area in wild-type. Error bars indicate one standard deviation.