Figure 6. Effects of OPG on IL-32/sRANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis.
(A) The number of multinucleated TRAcP positive cells formed in response to IL-32/sRANKL treatment was significantly reduced in the presence of excess OPG. (B) The size of the newly-formed TRAcP positive multinucleated cells was unaffected by the presence of OPG in IL-32/sRANKL-treated cultures. (C) The number of nuclei noted in TRAcP positive cells formed in response to IL-32/sRANKL treatment was not affected by the OPG treatment. (D) The percentage area lacunar resorption was completely abolished when PBMCs were treated with IL-32/sRANKL and excess OPG. P values represent the statistical significances between each group using Mann-Whitney test.