Myosin Va and myosin Vb tails alter endogenous transferrin receptor (CD71) distribution. A and B, HeLa cells transfected with EGFP-myosin Va tail +D or EGFP-myosin Va tail -D were stained for endogenous transferrin receptor (CD71). Similar to Rab11a, CD71 co-localized with both splice isoforms of myosin Va tail in scattered puncta. C and D, likewise, expression of EGFP-myosin Vb tail +D or EGFP-myosin Vb tail -D caused endogenous CD71 to be recruited to the EGFP-labeled perinuclear cisterna. Scale bars in all panels represent 10 μm. Percent co-localization (±S.E.) are listed in the merged images on the right of each panel (n ≥ 10).