CO2 binds Rv1625c in vitro and activates in
vivo. a, Rv1625c204–443-specific activity
(n = 6) was plotted against increasing Mn2+. The assay
mixture contained 1.8 μm protein and 200 μm
Mn2+-ATP, pH 6.5, and 20 mm NaCl (triangles) or
20 mm NaHCO3 (7.7 mm CO2,
squares). b, recovered CO2 from a binding assay
in the presence of Rv1625c204–443, bovine serum albumin
(BSA), or buffer alone. c, recovered CO2 from a
binding assay in the presence of Slr1991120–337 wild type
(wt), Slr1991120–337 D137A D181A
(Δmetal), BSA, or buffer alone. d, cAMP-dependent lacZ
activity in E. coli under control (vector) conditions or in
the presence of Rv1625c204–443 in samples treated with air or
10% (v/v) CO2 in air (n = 9; *, p < 0.05). The
y axis denotes the concentration of ortho-nitrophenol
(ONP) in the lacZ assays performed.