Stimulation of a G-protein regulated AC by CO2in
vivo. a, monitoring of HEK 293T cell pHi
in response to changing CO2. b, percentage conversion of
ATP into cAMP in HEK 293T cells exposed to varying CO2 under basal
conditions (empty bars) or in the presence of 50 nm
isoproterenol (filled bars)(n = 12). c, percentage
conversion of ATP into cAMP in HEK 293T cells exposed to air (0.03%
CO2; open bars) or 5% (v/v) CO2 (filled
bars) with 5 μm forskolin and 1 μm KH7
(n = 12; *, p < 0.05). d, lower panel shows
immunoblot of HEK 293T cell material after treatment with and without
isoproterenol at varying CO2. The upper panel shows the
ratio of phospho-CREB:α-tubulin bands from the quantified bands.