Fig. 3.
A) Fluorescent intensity as a function of the distance down the derivatization channel. Dopamine was injected into the microchip device (800 ms actuation) and monitored at varying detection spots along the electrophoresis channel after the post column derivatization channel junction. 25 mM boric acid/ 3 mM SDS buffer, pH 9.5. High voltage = 1500 V, Pushback voltage = 500 V, post column voltage = 400 V, and flow rate = 0.7 μL/min. Error bars shown as standard error of the mean (n = 3). B) Multianalyte separation of 1.1 mM dopamine, 1.1 mM norepinephrine, 1.4 mM aspartic acid, and 2.3 mM glutamic acid.