Figure 7.
The NFRC, an index of non-exponential decay of release flux A, F(x,t)/F0(x) in a cell with rhod-2 stimulated by a 400 ms pulse to 0 mV. B, [Ca2+]cyto(t) derived from the averaged line scan. C, black trace, Ṙ (t) derived from the record in B, showing a ‘shoulder’ or sigmoidal decay following the early peak. Green trace, NFRC(t), calculated according to eqn (2). Note its steady growth following an initial interval of fast biphasic change, cotemporal with the early peak of flux. Calculation of NFRC is stopped when Ṙnet, not shown, falls below 1 mm s−1. kuptake= 6150 s−1; other parameters as in Fig. 3. Experiment 021408a, record 25.