A, Example EPSCs recorded in a YFP-16 neuron during vestibular afferent stimulation with 20 pulses at 10 Hz followed by 20 pulses at 50 Hz (left) and 50 Hz followed by 10 Hz (right). Group data indicate that EPSC amplitudes were not affected by stimulus shifts from 10 Hz to 50 Hz (B, n=8) or from 50 Hz to 10 Hz (C, n=9). D, Naturalistic stimulus train, displayed as instantaneous rate vs time, that approximates the firing pattern of a typical mouse vestibular afferent firing during head movements (see Experimental Procedures). E, Average EPSC responses to the naturalistic stimulus shown in D (n = 7). EPSC amplitude decreased rapidly to a steady state level that was not affected by instantaneous variations in stimulus rate. F, Replotting the data from E demonstrated that EPSC amplitude did not depend on interstimulus interval. The responses to the first five stimuli have been omitted from this plot for clarity.