Figure 3.
CT, LT, and rCTB fed perorally induce migration of CD11c + DCs into the FAE of PP. Groups of mice (n=4) were fed (a) PBS, or 50 μg of either (b) CT, (c) LT, or (d) rCTB, and distal PPs were collected 6 h later. Sections were treated with biotinylated anti-CD11c antibodies followed by avidin–HRP to visualize DCs within the FAE (arrowheads) and in the subepithelial dome region. CD11c + DCs in the FAE and in the SED region were increased in mice fed with CT, LT, or rCTB. CT, cholera toxin; DCs, dendritic cells; FAE, follicle-associated epithelium; HRP, horseradish peroxidase; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; PPs, Peyer's patches; rCTB, recombinant CTB; SED, subepithelial dome. Bar = 50μm.