Figure 2.
DNA primer specificity of two plant telomerases. (A) Primer specificity for carrot telomerase. Protein samples (1.2 μg) from carrot suspension cultures were assayed by TRAP using different forward primers as indicated (see Table 1). (B) Primer specificity for the cauliflower telomerase. Samples (250 ng) from cauliflower floral bud extract were assayed with the primers indicated. (C) Model for the predicted plant telomerase RNA templating domain and inferred alignment of primers. The plant templating sequence in based on the telomerase RNAs from humans and ciliates (40, 41). Nucleotides in boldface type in the DNA primers are capable of forming Watson–Crick base pairs with the RNA template. The underlined nucleotides in the RNA template indicate possible positioning of the 3′ terminal nucleotide in the pBR (21) primer.