Fig. 3. The effect of wg mutation on cyclin E expression in the embryonic PNS.
(A, B) Expression of the GFP reporter from the 4.6-PNS constructs was significantly reduced in the wg mutant embryos (B) as compared to that in the control (wg/CyO) embryos (A). (C, D) Double labeling of 4.6-PNS GFP reporter expression and Sens revealed large number of Sens positive cells express GFP reporter in wg/CyO embryos (C) while very few Sens positive cells express GFP reporter in wg mutant embryos (D). (E, F) Whole-mount in situ hybridization showing expression of zygotic cyclin E in the developing PNS. (E), wg/CyO embryos show normal cyclin E expression in the PNS. (F), wg mutant embryos exhibit significantly reduced PNS cyclin E expression.