Striatal mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, neuropeptides, and DA receptors in rats co-treated with CORT (3.75 mg/kg) and l-DOPA (4 mg/kg + 15 mg/kg of benserazide). L-DOPA primed rats received an injection of CORT prior to l-DOPA treatment and were examined for changes in mRNA 2 hrs later. Pre-treatment with CORT reduced l-DOPA-induced increases in IL-1β, PPE, and PPD mRNA within the lesioned striatum. No changes in DA receptors were observed as a result of treatment. For IL-1β, PPE, and PPD, *p<0.05 compared to all other groups. For PPT, + with a solid bar underneath denotes main effect of lesion, p<0.05. Data are presented as mean % change from control (non-lesioned striata treated with vehicle) ± 1 SEM.