Fig. 2.
Mdm2-a homozygous embryos exhibit edema. Wild-type (A) and Mdm2-a homozygous (B) embryos harvested at E14.5 show Mdm2-a-specific edema. Cross-sections through the nuchal regions of wild-type (C) and Mdm2-a homozygous (D) E14.5 embryos. Bar, 600 μm. (E) Edematous region of Mdm2-a homozygous embryo. Arrowheads designate foamy macrophages within the region of edema. Bar, 100 μm. Whole-body cross-sections of wild-type (F) and Mdm2-a transgenic (G) E18.5 neonates exemplify the apparent normal development of Mdm2-a neonates. Bar, 2.5 mm.