Figure 8.
The eIPSC rise times are increased by both ORG-24598 and SR-95531 in conditions of low release probability. A, Individual eIPSCs (with their average superimposed and failures omitted) in 0.5 mm Ca2+ and after perfusion with ORG-24598 (middle) and 100 μm SR-95531 (right). B, ORG-24598 enhances the response, which is inhibited by 100 μm SR-95531 less than in control conditions (bar chart). Error bars indicate SDM. C, D, Overlap of average traces (C) shows that the decay time is prolonged by application of ORG-24598 (dark gray) and is not changed by SR-95531 (light gray; individual values in D). E, The eIPSC rise time is prolonged by ORG-24598 (dark gray) and further prolonged by 100 μm SR-95531 (light gray). This is summarized in the pooled distributions from nine cells (F) and the individual values in G.