Figure 6.
High-field components of the EPR spectra of aTAM4 measured in 1.5 mM pyrophosphate buffer, pH 9.9 (a), pH 5.8 (b), and pH 7.8 (c), at various oxygen partial pressures: 0% (black), 10% (red), 20.7% (blue). Spectral parameters: microwave power, 0.63 mW; time constant, 40.96 ms; conversion time, 160 ms; sweep time, 327.68 s; modulation amplitude, 0.1 G; sweep width, 8 G; number of points, 2048. Experimentally measured peak-to-peak line widths are ΔHpp = 160 mG (a) and ΔHpp = 280 mG (b). Fitting the calculated spectra to the experimental spectra a and b at 0% oxygen using hfs given in the caption to Figure 2 and describing individual line shape by convolution of Lorentz and Gauss profiles22 yields the following peak-to-peak line widths: (a) ΔHL = 96 mG, ΔHG = 100 mG, and (b) ΔHL = 97 mG, ΔHG = 94 mG. Note that the values of the obtained parameters for the nonprotonated radical (a) are in agreement with the previously reported equation for convolution of Lorentz and Gauss profiles ().22 This is not valid for the protonated form of the radical (b) due to the fact that ΔHpp represents peak-to-peak line width of partially unresolved doublet aroused from additional proton hfs, aH(NH+Et2) = 0.15 G (Figure 2). Fitting the calculated spectra of R and RH+ forms to the experimental spectra a and b, respectively, measured at various concentration of oxygen yield the values of ΔHL shown in Figure 7. Fitting the calculated spectra to the experimental spectra c measured at intermediate pH and various concentrations of oxygen yields the values of peak-to-peak line width, ΔHL, and fraction of protonated form, fRH+, allowing simultaneous [O2] and pH determination using corresponding calibration curves (Figure 7 and Figure 5a, respectively), namely: (black) ΔHL = 105 mG (1.3%), fRH+ = 0.58 (pH 7.85); (red) ΔHL = 166 mG (11.3%), fRH+ = 0.57 (pH 7.88); (blue) ΔHL = 227 mG (21.5%), fRH+ = 0.62 (pH 7.8). The latter examples demonstrate an accuracy in pH (±0.1) and oxygen (±2%) determination using aTAM4 probe in the range of pH around its pKa.