Kir6.2 expression in the SNR in fasted rats is decreased compared with nonfasted rats. A, Number of Kir6.2-immunopositive cells in the STN, SNR, and PnO of fasted (n = 5) and nonfasted (n = 5) rats. There was a significant decrease in the number of Kir6.2-immunopositive cells only in the SNR (*p < 0.05, t test). B, Densitometry (Ravizza et al., 2002) of the Kir6.2 immunoexpression in the SNR cells at the matching sections (10 cells at each of 3 sections per structure per rat) with the goal of comparison of the fasted (n = 6) and nonfasted (n = 6) rats. In the anterior part of the SNR of fasted rats, the Kir6.2 immunointensity was significantly lower than in nonfasted rats (*p < 0.05, t test). C, An example of a sagittal section through the SNR in a nonfasted rat demonstrating many Kir6.2-immunopositive cells. D, An example of a sagittal section through the SNR in a fasted rat demonstrating few Kir6.2-immunopositive cells.