Cartoon for the RecF–RecO–RecR action in gap
repair. For the sake of simplicity only presynaptic events are shown.
The first letter of each protein is used to represent the respective
protein: S, Ssb; F, RecF; O, RecO; R, RecR; A, 24. (Step 1) gDNA bound
by Ssb tetramers (S4). (Step 2) RecF–ATP complex bound at gap
junctions of gDNA. It is assumed that RecF protein, in the presence of
ATP (step 3) recognizes and subsequently binds at gap junctions. (Step
3) Multiprotein–DNA complexes consisting of RecF–ATP, RecO, RecR, and
Ssb. The RecO–RecR are targeted to RecF–ATP–gDNA complexes (step 3)
and RecO makes direct contacts with Ssb. (Step 4) Presynaptic filaments
consisting of RecF–RecO–RecR–Ssb and RecA proteins. Ssb tetramer
displacement is initiated by RecA protein in the presence of
RecF–RecO–RecR complex (step 3). Salient features of the cartoon are
described in the text.