Table 1.
Characteristics of hospitalized and nonhospitalized patientsa
Characteristics | Hospitalized n (%) | Nonhospitalized n (%) |
Total cases (≥2 yr of age) | 597 (21.5) | 2182 (78.5) |
Age (yr) | ||
2 to 5 | 154 (24.9) | 465 (75.1) |
6 to 12 | 237 (20.3) | 929 (79.7) |
>12 | 206 (20.7) | 788 (79.3) |
Gender | ||
male | 353 (20.2) | 1391 (79.8) |
female | 224 (21.6) | 791 (76.4) |
Race | ||
Caucasian | 356 (20.2) | 1409 (79.8) |
African-American | 123 (25.1) | 367 (74.9) |
Hispanic | 87 (23.0) | 291 (77.0) |
other | 31 (22.0) | 110 (78.0) |
Primary diagnosis | ||
obstructive uropathy | 148 (23.0) | 496 (77.0) |
FSGS | 50 (20.6) | 193 (79.4) |
renal dysplasia | 60 (14.7) | 349 (85.3) |
reflux nephropathy | 66 (23.5) | 215 (76.5) |
other | 256 (22.3) | 894 (77.7) |
Anemia (KDOQI) | ||
HCT ≥ 33% | 328 (18.2) | 1474 (81.8) |
HCT < 33% | 269 (27.5) | 708 (72.5) |
Anemia (NHANES III) | ||
z-score above −2 | 292 (18.8) | 1262 (81.2) |
z-score below −2 | 305 (24.9) | 920 (75.1) |
CKD stage | ||
II | 105 (18.7) | 456 (81.3) |
III | 316 (21.3) | 1171 (78.7) |
IV | 148 (23.5) | 483 (76.5) |
V | 28 (28.0) | 72 (72.0) |
CRI registry year | ||
before 1998 | 406 (22.2) | 1424 (77.8) |
1998 and after | 191 (20.1) | 758 (79.9) |
Erythropoietin use | ||
yes | 98 (29.8) | 231 (70.2) |
no | 499 (20.4) | 1951 (79.6) |
Growth hormone use | ||
yes | 46 (20.9) | 174 (79.1) |
no | 551 (21.5) | 2007 (78.5) |
Calcium | ||
low | 28 (22.6) | 96 (77.4) |
normal | 386 (21.5) | 1413 (78.5) |
high | 106 (23.8) | 340 (76.2) |
Phosphorus | ||
normal | 394 (21.0) | 1483 (79.0) |
elevated | 160 (23.0) | 535 (77.0) |
Parathyroid hormone | ||
<2× upper limit | 200 (19.1) | 846 (80.1) |
>2× upper limit | 130 (24.4) | 403 (75.6) |
unknown | 267 (22.3) | 933 (77.7) |
Iron supplementation | ||
yes | 179 (28.2) | 456 (71.8) |
no | 417 (19.5) | 1722 (80.5) |
Antihypertensive medication use | ||
yes | 258 (22.3) | 901 (77.8) |
no | 339 (20.9) | 1280 (79.1) |
FSGS, focal segmental glomeruloscerosis; KDOQI, Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative; HCT, hematocrit; NHANES III, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CRI, Chronic Renal Insufficiency registry.