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. 2008 Nov 5;28(45):11500–11510. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3203-08.2008

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Nicotinamide prevents memory impairments in a hippocampal-dependent task in the 3xTg-AD mice. 3xTg-AD mice were treated with nicotinamide or vehicle for 4 months in their drinking water. Mice were trained and tested on the spatial memory version of the Morris water maze (MWM; n = 8 per group). A, Acquisition curves shown for the 7 d of training on the MWM. Nicotinamide prevents spatial memory deficits during training in the 3xTg-AD mice. All mice were trained to criterion in the MWM task (as indicated by dashed line at 25 s escape latency). B–D, Mice were given a memory probe with the platform removed at 1.5 h or 24 h after the last training trial. B, 3xTg-AD mice treated with nicotinamide made significantly more platform crosses at both short- and long-term probes than vehicle-treated 3xTg-AD mice. NonTg mice treated with nicotinamide performed better at the 1.5 h probe than vehicle treated NonTg mice. C, 3xTg-AD mice treated with nicotinamide exhibited significantly decreased latencies to cross the platform location compared with vehicle-treated 3xTg-AD mice, at both the 1.5 and 24 h probes. NonTg mice treated with nicotinamide had decreased latencies to cross the platform location compared with vehicle treated nontransgenic mice at only the 1.5 h probe. D, No significant differences in the time spent in the opposite quadrant were seen with nicotinamide treatment compared with vehicle for either 3xTg-AD or NonTg mice. E, Nicotinamide prevents contextual fear memory deficits in a mainly amygdala-dependent task. Mice were tested for retention of memory for fear-associated environments 1.5 and 24 h after training. Mice were taken out after 180 s if they did not cross over. F, Nicotinamide treatment does not affect cortex-dependent novel object recognition. No significant differences were seen between 3xTg-AD mice treated with nicotinamide or vehicle on their ability to remember a prior object, either 1.5 or 24 h after habituation with the object. Error bars indicate SEM. (*p < 0.05) for control 3xTg-AD mice vs nicotinamide treated 3xTg-AD mice, (**p < 0.05) for control nonTg mice vs control 3xTg-AD mice, and (#p < 0.05) for control nonTg mice vs nicotinamide treated nonTg mice.