Figure 3. Sad1 and Kms2 become disorganized in the absence of Ima1.
A. Top panel. Fluorescence micrographs demonstrate that the KASH domain protein GFP-Kms2 and Sad1-DsRed colocalize at the MAS in WT cells (MKSP81). Time-lapse images taken of one cell every 30 seconds for 3 minutes are shown. Bottom panel. GFP-Kms2 and Sad1-DsRed fragment into multiple foci at the NE and no longer colocalize stoichiometrically in ima1Δ cells. Fluorescence micrographs of one cell of strain MKSP152 taken every 30 seconds for 3 minutes. Arrow indicates a focus with both GFP-Kms2 and Sad1-DsRed; arrowhead indicates a focus with only GFP-Kms2; asterisk indicates a focus with only Sad1-DsRed (see text). B. Quantitation of the number of MAS foci at the NE in WT and ima1Δ cells. Strains (MKSP81 and MKSP152) were analyzed for the total number of foci containing GFP-Kms2 and/or Sad1-DsRed in non-mitotic cells. n = >100 cells.