Models of histone pre-mRNA processing complexes.
The wild-type situation is compared with complexes formed on the 5C
insertion substrate with the wild-type U7 snRNP, U75nobp snRNP, and the
U75bp snRNP. Arrows show the sites of cleavage with levels indicated by
arrow size. SLBP is shown as a striped oval, core Sm proteins bound to
the Sm binding site (boxed) are different shades of gray, the two known
U7 snRNP specific proteins are white ovals, and the hypermethylated cap
on the 5′ end of U7 RNA is a solid circle. Base pairing between the U7
RNAs and the substrate HDE sequences is indicated. Insertions into the
histone pre-mRNA and the U7 RNAs are illustrated as open and solid
circles, respectively. Rigidification of the residues upstream of the
HDE is diagrammed as involving protein–backbone contacts (see text).