Phylogenetic tree of flavobacterial PR genes from the East China Sea (ECS) and South China Sea (SCS) along with their homologs in the GOS database (underlined) relative to PR genes found in other major groups (bold). The five flavobacterial strains used for the primer design are marked by arrows. The N-J tree was constructed based on 310 nucleotide positions. Bootstrap values (1,000 resamplings) over 50% are indicated. The sequences obtained in this study are named by station (W1, W2, W8 in the ECS and A1 and A9 in the SCS), followed by the sampling depth (only for A1 and W8) and the clone number. Sequences postfixed with “(3)” or “(0.2)” represent PR from the 3- to 200-μm-size fraction or 0.22- to 3-μm-size fraction (only for A1 and A9 surface samples). Dots represent each clone with >95% DNA sequence identity to the representative sequence within one sample. Sampling temperatures in each GOS site and the two China seas (average temperature) are indicated in the left panel, and the sequences from the temperate and warm water are differentiated in blue and red. The omitted open reading frame accession no. of GS010/GS008/GS006 is (1105088900124)/(1105145485660)/(1105102499548).