Genes included in the survey and their functional information
Gene | Pathway | Class |
ald | CS | Ortholog |
asp | CS | ASPM |
Axs | AS | |
c(2)M | DSBF/CR | LS |
c(3)G | DSBF/CR | Ortholog |
cav | HB, TM | LS |
CG7676 | C3G localization | LS |
Su(var)205 | HB | HP1 |
Klp3A | CS/CR | KIF4 |
Ku70 | Rec/Rep/TM | KU70 |
Ku80 | Rec/Rep/TM | KU80 |
mei-218 | CR | LS |
mei-41 | CR | ATR |
mei-P22 | DSBF | LS |
mei-S332 | CS | LS |
mei-P26 | CR | |
mei-W68 | DSBF | SPO11 |
mei-9 | Rec/Rep | ERCC4 |
mre11 | TM | MRE11 |
mtrm | CS | LS |
mus304 | Rec/Rep | ATRIP |
ncd | AS | |
okr | Rec/Rep | RAD54 |
ord | CS | LS |
polo | SA/CS | |
rad50 | TM | RAD50 |
smc1 | SCC | SMC1A |
spn-A | Rec/Rep | RAD51 |
spn-B | Rec/Rep | XRCC3 |
spn-D | Rec/Rep | |
subito | SA/CS | |
teflon | CS | LS |
tefu | TM |
CS, chromosome segregation; AS, achiasmate segregation; CR, crossover regulation, DSBF, double-strand-break formation; HB, heterochromatin binding, Rec/Rep, recombination/repair; SCC, sister-chromatid cohesion; SA, spindle assembly; and TM, telomere maintenance. Meiosis lineage-specific (LS) genes are labeled. Genes possessing orthologs are labeled with their common name, if one exists, or with “ortholog” under the “Class” heading. Genes with an ambiguous class status are left unlabeled.