Table 2.
Characteristics of genera in the Gnomoniaceae.
Gnomonia | Ambarignomonia | Apiognomonia | Cryptosporella | Gnomoniopsis | Ophiognomonia | Plagiostoma | |
Habit of perithecia | Single on leaves of trees and shrubs. | Single on leaves of trees and shrubs. | Single on leaves of trees and shrubs and on herbaceous plants. In groups on twigs. | In groups on twigs. | Single on leaves of trees and shrubs. Single or in groups on herbaceous plants or on twigs. | Single on leaves of trees and shrubs and on herbaceous plants. | Single on leaves of trees and shrubs and on herbaceous plants. In groups on twigs. |
Stroma | Without stroma. Some species with collar around neck. | Without stroma. With collar around neck. | Without stroma or with weak stroma if on twigs. | With weak stroma. | Without stroma. | Without stroma. | Without stroma or with weak stroma if on twigs. |
Erumpent, concave when dry; or remaining immersed but then with very short
necks or with collar around neck.
Perithecia remaining immersed, convex when dry.
Two species may have some irregularly shrunk or concave perithecia when dry, partly erumpent. | |||||||
Ascospores | One median or supramedian septum, rarely non-septate; ellipsoidal to fusiform or acerose, appendages short or long. | One median septum, fusiform, appendages medium. | One septum, variable from submedian, median to supramedian, ellipsoidal, appendages absent or present. | Usually non-septate, rarely with one median septum, ellipsoidal, fusiform, femoroid to vermiculate. | One submedian or median septum, ellipsoidal, slightly broader in their upper part with no apendages. | One median septum, rarely submedian, supramedian in filiform ascospores, or absent, ellipsoidal or fusiform (acerose), rarely filiform, appendages short or long but not stout. | One median septum, rarely submedian or absent, ellipsoidal, appendages absent or present. |
Colony growth rate | Slow—moderate. | Slow. | Fast. | Slow—moderate. | Moderate—fast. | Moderate—fast. | Fast. |
Conidiomata formation in culture | Rarely. | Never. | Often, sometimes abundant. | In some species none, in some abundant. | Usually abundant. | Rarely. | Often, sometimes abundant. |
Host | Strictly family Betulaceae, mostly subfamily Coryloideae. | Known only from Liquidambar styraciflua (Hamamelidaceae). | Diverse taxonomic groups (mostly Aceraceae, Fagaceae, Geraniaceae, Platanaceae, occasionally Anacardiaceae, Hippocastanaceae, Juglandaceae, Onagraceae, Rosaceae, Tiliaceae). | Betulaceae, Tiliaceae, Ulmaceae. | Diverse taxonomic groups (Ericaceae, Fagaceae, Rosaceae, Tiliaceae). | Mostly Fagales (Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Juglandaceae), a few species on Lauraceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Tiliaceae. | Diverse taxonomic groups (Aceraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Geraniaceae, Hippocastanaceae, Oleaceae, Polygonaceae, Salicaceae, Staphyleaceae). |