Demonstration of the involvement of Cre1 in
protein–DNA binding during EMSA with protein extracts of T.
harzianum and the ech-42 fragments S1 and S2.
Two oligonucleotides, one containing a double Cre1-binding site
(Cre1wt) and one containing the same site mutated and
unable to bind Cre1 (Cre1mu), were used. (A)
Lanes: 1, free DNA; 2, DNA plus protein extracts from a1 (see Fig. 1);
3–5, DNA plus protein extracts from a1 in the presence of a 5-fold
(lane 3), 10-fold (lane 4), and 50-fold (lane 5) molar excess of
Cre1wt; and 6 and 7, DNA plus protein extracts from a1 in
the presence of a 50-fold (lane 6) and 100-fold (lane 7) molar excess
of Cre1mu. (B) Lanes: 1, free DNA; 2, DNA plus protein
extracts from a3 (see Fig. 1); 3 and 4, DNA plus protein extracts from
a3 in the presence of a 50-fold (lane 3) and 100-fold (lane 4) molar
excess of Cre1wt; and 5, DNA plus protein extracts from a3
plus a 100-fold molar excess of Cre1mu.