FIG. 3.
DGGE profiles of various cyanobacterial genera amplified with ITSa and ITSc primers. The following strains were analyzed: Synechococcus sp. (lane 1), Synechocystis sp. (lane 2), Leptolyngbya sp. (lane 3), Lyngbya sp. (lane 4), Pseudanabaena catenata (lane 5), Trichodesmium erythraeum (lane 6), Anabaena variablis (lane 7), Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (lane 8), Aphanizomenon gracile (lane 9), Planktothrix aghardii (lane 10), Planktothrix prolifica (lane 11), Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (lane 12), Anabaenopsis arnoldi (lane 13), Gloeotrichia sp. (lane 14), Nostoc sp. (lane 15), Nodularia spumigena (lane 16), and Prochlorothrix hollandica (lane 17). The gels had a denaturant concentration gradient of 25 to 40%, and only the part of the gel containing bands is shown. The lower gel was assembled from two gels.