Darkfield (A and
C–E) and fluorescence micrographs (F) of
inner ear (A and C), trigeminal ganglion
(A and C–E), and lip (F)
showing ppGAL mRNA (A and C–E) and
GMAP-LI (F). B shows propidium iodide
counterstaining of sections in A. D and
E are semiadjacent sections. ppGAL bmRNA expression is
seen in the trigeminal ganglion (tg) at E15 (A) and E17
(C and D). GAL-R1 mRNA is present in
apparently fewer cells (E). Also, the sensory epithelium (e)
of the inner ear shows GAL mRNA expression (A and
C). GMAP-LI can be seen in a nerve extending branches in
the skin, including into the epithelium (big arrowheads)
(F). Small arrowheads point to nonspecific staining.
(A–C, bar = 100 μm; D and
E, 50 μm; F, bar = 200 μm.)