NT (10 nM)-induced channel activity.
(A) In whole-cell recording, NT elicited an inward current.
Holding potential was −79 mV. Depolarizing (20 mV) and hyperpolarizing
(−30 mV) command voltages were applied to monitor the conductance.
(B1) NT-induced single-channel activity from an
outside–out patch held at −80 mV. On an expanded time base, there was
no channel activity before NT application (B2), while
single-channel openings appeared after NT was applied
(B3). (B4) Npo
of the NT response in B1 was calculated at 4-sec
intervals. The Npo reached a peak (=0.097)
then decreased to zero. (C1) Similar channel activity
occasionally could be induced in the cell-attached configuration.
Potential was held at 30 mV intracellular side more negative than
resting potential. NT was applied outside the patch region, and the
patch pipette solution contained standard external solution. On an
expanded time base, there was no channel activity before NT application
(C2), while single-channel openings appeared after NT
was applied (C3). The frequency response was 2 kHz
(B2, B3, C2, and
C3) and 250 Hz (B1 and C1)
for display purposes.