Effect of SA, INA and their analogs on
myb1 gene expression. (A) Rapid activation of
myb1 by SA (1 mM) preceded induction of
PR-1. Time is indicated in h postinjection of SA (or
H2O as a control) into tobacco leaves. (B)
Induction of myb1 by SA, INA, and their biologically
active analogs (acetylSA, 4-chloroSA, analogs 3 and 7). Inactive
analogs [3- and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (HBA), analogs 1 and 9] were
poor inducers. Expression of myb1 was analyzed 30 min
after injection with 1 mM of the various compounds. The chemical
structures of the INA analogs were presented in a previous report