FIG. 2.
Fluorescent amplification curves and melting curve analysis of real-time SYBR Green LC-PCR products using the EAE primer set (A) and EAST primer set (B) from 22 human stool samples in a waterborne outbreak-associated EPEC and astA-positive E. coli isolate. Panel A shows detection of EPEC with the EAE primer set: —○—, water (negative control); , EPEC (EC-2736); - - - - ♦- - - - , patient no. 4; - - - - ○- - - - , patient no. 13; - - - - ⋄- - - - , patient no. 18; - - - - x- - - - , patient no. 20; __, 18 other patients. Panel B shows detection of astA gene-positive E. coli with the EAST primer set: - - - - ○- - - - , water (negative control); , EAEC (EC-4131); - - - - ♦- - - - , patient no. 4; - - - - ○- - - - , patient no. 13; - - - - ▪- - - - , patient no. 17; __, 19 other patients.