Amplification of a serial dilution of the EUROHEP standard with HBV-specific primers in a nested PCR following extraction with the Chemagic DNA/RNA kit and the QIAamp DNA Blood Mini kit. (A) Chemagen extracts. (B) QIAGEN extracts. Lane M shows a 100-bp ladder, and lane C shows results for the negative control. Lanes 1 through 10 show results for different viral loads expressed in numbers of copies per ml: 1, 4 × 105; 2, 4 × 104; 3, 4 × 103; 4, 4 × 102; 5, 2 × 102; 6, 1 × 102; 7, 8 × 101; 8, 4 × 101; 9, 2 × 101; 10, 1 × 101.