FIG. 7.
HVS C488 DNA colocalizes with ORF73 on the host chromosomes of HVS-transformed human T lymphocytes (CJ-1 cells). Metaphase chromosome spreads of CJ-1 cells were probed with Cos331 (HVS cosmid)-labeled probes and anti-ORF73 serum for the specific localization of signals. DAPI panels show staining of the chromosomes with DAPI counterstain. The LANA panels show the detection of ORF73 protein with anti-C488 serum by immunofluorescence. The COSMID panels show hybridization of the metaphase chromosome spreads with the Cos331-specific HVS DNA probe. The MERGE panels show the specific signal from the HVS probe and anti-C488 serum colocalizing on the host chromosomes of HVS-transformed marmoset T lymphocytes (CJ-1 cells).