Fig. 4.
Effect of GMPCPP on CLIP-170–GFP plus-end tracking activity. (A) Montage showing a dynamic microtubule (arrowheads) polymerized with GMPCPP-tubulin in the presence of 25 nM CLIP-170(H2)–GFP and 250 nM unlabeled EB1. The numbers indicate time (in seconds). Each image is accompanied by an intensity profile of the CLIP-170(H2)-GFP fluorescence along the microtubule length. (B) Kymograph showing the same microtubule over the duration of the observation period. Note that CLIP-170(H2)–GFP does not show plus-end tracking, but rather binds indiscriminately along the entire length of the GMPCPP microtubule. The accompanying histogram shows the distribution of dwell times of single binding events. An exponential fit to the data yields a mean lifetime of interaction of 0.79 ± 0.02 s (n = 440) for the CLIP-170–EB1 complex.