Fig. 3.
Proton density-weighted sagittal (A, C) and coronal (B, D) images (TR/TE, 2000/20 msec; echo train length, 4) of a 36-year-old man who received posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using Achilles tendon allograft (patient #13). MR images obtained 118 days after posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (A, B) show high band-like intrasubstance (arrow) and peripheral signal intensity (arrowheads) in the proximal, middle, and distal segments. MR images obtained 773 days after posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (C, D) show high focal intrasubstance and peripheral signal intensity (arrows) in the proximal and middle segments. The graft thickness increases from 8 mm (A) to 11 mm (C).