Bacterial strain | Sourcea (animal, site) | Location (country) |
“Treponema vincentii” OMZ 858 | Human, ANUG lesion | People's Republic of China |
“Treponema vincentii” OMZ 860 | Human, ANUG lesion | People's Republic of China |
“Treponema vincentii” OMZ 861 | Human, ANUG lesion | People's Republic of China |
“Treponema vincentii” OMZ 862 | Human, ANUG lesion | People's Republic of China |
Treponema denticola ATCC 35405T | Human, periodontal lesion | Canada |
“Treponema putidum” OMZ 844 | Human, periodontal lesion | Switzerland |
Treponema lecithinolyticum OMZ 684T | Human, periodontal lesion | Switzerland |
Treponema sp. group IV OMZ 839 | Canine, dental plaque | Switzerland |
Treponema sp. group IV OMZ 840 | Canine, dental plaque | Switzerland |
Treponema maltophilum OMZ 679T | Human, periodontal lesion | Switzerland |
Treponema socranskii subsp. socranskii ATCC 35536T | Human, subgingival plaque | United States |
Treponema socranskii subsp. buccale OMZ 884 | Human, ANUG lesion | People's Republic of China |
Treponema socranskii subsp. paredis OMZ 882 | Human, ANUG lesion | People's Republic of China |
Treponema socranskii subsp. 04 VPI D40DR-2 | Human, subgingival plaque | United States |
Treponema parvum VPI D96NR3 | Human, subgingival plaque | United States |
ANUG, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.