Figure 2.
Detection of CGB1/CGB2 mRNA in trophoblastic tissue from the first trimester of a normal intrauterine pregnancy (Lane 1) and an ectopic pregnancy (Lane 2). Alternatively spliced transcripts CGB1/CGB2, CGB1/CGB2 + 166bp and CGB1/CGB2 + 176 bp are represented by the RT-PCR amplified fragments sized 406 bp, 572 bp and 582 bp, respectively. The CGB1CGB/2 + 166bp and the CGB1/CGB2 + 176 bp transcripts are indistinguishable from each other at the 3% agarose gel. The detection sensitivity of EtBr stained DNA separated on agarose gel is not enough for the visualization low expressed CGB1/CGB2 + 47 bp splice-variant. The amplified genomic DNA (Lane 3) is 1040 bp. NC, negative control with water as a template; SM, size marker (Gene Ruler™ 100 bp DNA Ladder Plus, Fermentas Life Sciences).