(A) Two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional tracings of CNP-stained oligodendrocytes from layers II and III of the cingulate and primary motor cortex (age 6 months). Three examples from NEX-Cre*Nrg1flox/flox mutant (NC*F/F), control (Nrg1F/F), and Nrg1 type III-overexpressing mice (Nrg1 type III) are shown. Each color represents a primary cell process.
(B-E) Quantitation of primary process number (in B), number of nodal branch points (in C), avarage process length (including internodal myelin; in D), average 3D oligodendrocyte territory (in E), and average oligodendrocyte soma volume (in F), comparing NEX-Cre*F/F (NC*F/F), Nrg1F/F and Nrg1 type III mice (12–15 cells from three mice per genotype). Error bars: SEM. Significance test: two-tailed t test with Welch's correction or Kruskal-Walli's test.