Localization of the Nav1.6, Kv1.1, and Kv1.2 subunits in the AISs of hippocampal CA1 PCs. A, Low-magnification images of the CA1 area show double immunofluorescent reactions for the Nav1.6 and Kv1.1 subunits. The Nav1.6 subunit immunolabeling is restricted to AISs and nodes of Ranvier, whereas an intense neuropil labeling is observed with the Kv1.1 antibody in strata oriens (so) and radiatum (sr). B, High-magnification images of stratum pyramidale (sp) reveal the colocalization of Nav1.6 and Kv1.1 subunits in the plasma membrane of PC AISs. Similar to neocortical PCs, the Nav1.6 subunit immunolabeling begins more proximal to that of the Kv1.1 subunit (arrowheads). C, A double immunofluorescent reaction for the Nav1.6 and Kv1.2 subunits is shown at a low magnification. D, High-magnification images from the sp reveal the colocalization of Nav1.6 and Kv1.2 subunits in PC AISs. Similar to neocortical PCs, the Nav1.6 labeling emerges proximal to that of the Kv1.2 subunit (arrowheads). alv, Alveus. Scale bars: A, C, 50 μm; B, D, 5 μm.