Table 1.
Some of the nodes available in MDP.
Node class name | Algorithm and Reference |
PCANode | Principal Component Analysis (Jolliffe, 1986) |
NIPALSNode | Nonlinear Iterative Partial Least Squares PCA (NIPALS) (Fritzke, 1995) |
CuBICANode | Cumulant-based Independent Component Analysis (CuBICA) (Blaschke and Wiskott, 2004) |
FastICANode | Independent Component Analysis (FastICA) (Hyvärinen, 1999) |
JADENode | Cumulant-based Independent Component Analysis (JADE) (Cardoso, 1999) |
TDSEPNode | Temporal blind-source separation algorithm (TDSEP) (Ziehe and Müller, 1998) |
LLENode | Locally Linear Embedding Analysis (Roweis and Saul, 2000) |
HLLENode | Hessian Locally Linear Embedding Analysis (Donoho and Grimes, 2003) |
FDANode | Fisher Discriminant Analysis (Bishop, 1995) |
SFANode | Slow Feature Analysis (Wiskott and Sejnowski, 2002) |
ISFANode | Independent Slow Feature Analysis (Blaschke et al., 2007) |
RBMNode | Restricted Boltzmann Machine (Hinton et al., 2006) |
GrowingNeuralGasNode | Growing Neural Gas (learn a graph structure of the data) (Fritzke, 1995) |
FANode | Factor Analysis (Bishop, 2007) |
GaussianClassifierNode | Supervised gaussian classifier |
PolynomialExpansionNode | Expand the signal in a polynomial space |
TimeFramesNode | Expand the signal using a sliding temporal window (temporal embedding) |
HitParadeNode | Record local minima and maxima in the signal |
NoiseNode | Additive and multiplicative noise injection |